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Today my challenge is to get into God’s word; find a group of people that may become close friends to hold you accountable – to spur you on toward love.

Our family has entered into this season of having a newborn baby again. Truly a gift from God and an answer to prayer!

So, remember why we are celebrating Easter this weekend. God thought of it. Jesus is worthy of it. We are forever grateful for it.

You’re either moving forward or backward. Have you strapped a La-Z-Boy to it and started to slide backward? Or are you, like the Apostle Paul, “pressing on toward the goal to win the prize?”

All of our prayers were answered. We had a clear sign that it was time to go. That sign came quite early in the morning, so there were hardly any other cars on the road and we had green lights all the way (one was maybe a little orange). We made it on time!

Sunday, Dale’s Sermon really gave us some things to think about. Do we serve for our own glory or are we serving because of our awe and respect for God? Or am I happy sitting on “my bench” keeping that spot warm while others around me are doing all the work?

However, many times I found myself not wanting to become a "shameless disturbance" (vs 8) to God. Especially when it came to issues or circumstances that I thought I could certainly handle myself.

Imagine your heart is like fertile soil. Things grow really easily in fertile soil. This is why the writer of Proverbs encourages us to keep wisdom (a.k.a. God’s truth) growing in the soil of our heart.

Every morning, the first thing I do before getting out of bed is put on my glasses. They clarify my blurred vision and bring my world into focus. Otherwise I’d be fumbling around, squinting to see what is around me, and stumbling into obstacles.

What are some of the benefits of being part of a church? I think any of us at Maranatha could spend a long time answering this question with a multitude of responses. One thing in particular that I wanted to focus on and encourage us all in, is solidarity.