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We must "strengthen what remains," which is to say that there is, in fact, something remaining aside from death: our hope in Jesus Christ. Through this hope we can do the works set out for us to glorify our Father in Heaven. 

Who is Jesus? What is Holiness? Holiness is not a feeling.

By now, most graduations have taken place and these students are now preparing for the next chapter in their lives. I remember being in that position of taking on the daunting task of "planning the rest of my life."

For the strong and the weak. For the blessed and the broken-hearted. For the warriors and the wounded. For the rejoicing and the weeping.

Comfort. It's a multi-million-dollar business in America. We're bombarded with ads for mattresses promising better sleep, clothes to wrap you in a hug, and instant entertainment everywhere we look. Comfort has become an idol in our society. But God’s not in the comfort business. At least not temporal comfort as we think of it.