Prayer Ministries

Prayer Pals

August - May

At the beginning of each school year, children K-12 are encouraged to sign up for a prayer pal. Adults also volunteer to be prayer pals and are then paired with the children. We take pictures of the pairs and print out postcards to give a visual prayer reminder. We encourage the adults to pray regularly for their child, connect with them to build a relationship and receive prayer updates, and write notes of encouragement. Many also choose to give inexpensive gifts such as candy or small toys. This is a fantastic ministry to foster relationships in our church community and pray protection over our children!

Prayer Warriors

During his ministry on earth, Jesus spent much time alone in prayer. As an important part of our mission to Follow Jesus, our goal is to cover our church in prayer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! When a member signs up to be a Prayer Warrior, they are assigned a day of each month to pray. The secretary will place a list of requests in their mailbox the Sunday before so they will be equipped to pray on their day. If you would like to join this valuable ministry, please contact Joyce Yoder.

Men’s Prayer Group

Men, join us each month for a time of fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. We meet the second Saturday of the month at 6:30 am.