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It does not give us a reason to live on “cheap grace” – and do whatever we want but it gives us reason to celebrate that even though we do stumble in the day to day – we don’t stumble away from God – and this my friends should give all of us a hope and desire to worship and to rest in HIS glory, majesty, power and authority because the price has been paid. We can live in HIS freedom.

Are there idols in our own lives that we need to rid ourselves of? May we then remember this: "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:1-2

Just like bank tellers know counterfeit money by constantly handling real money, Christians can spot misunderstandings and misapplications of God’s word by continually “handling” God’s word. Of course we must correctly handle God’s word when we practice, but just reading God’s word over and over will keep our hearts trained towards truth.

Beware the “Summer Slide!” No, this doesn’t refer to a scorching hot ride at the park. The Summer Slide is the loss of academic skills and knowledge that students experience during their annual break from the school routine. Christians can also experience the Summer Slide on a spiritual level.

We must "strengthen what remains," which is to say that there is, in fact, something remaining aside from death: our hope in Jesus Christ. Through this hope we can do the works set out for us to glorify our Father in Heaven. 

Who is Jesus? What is Holiness? Holiness is not a feeling.

By now, most graduations have taken place and these students are now preparing for the next chapter in their lives. I remember being in that position of taking on the daunting task of "planning the rest of my life."

For the strong and the weak. For the blessed and the broken-hearted. For the warriors and the wounded. For the rejoicing and the weeping.

Comfort. It's a multi-million-dollar business in America. We're bombarded with ads for mattresses promising better sleep, clothes to wrap you in a hug, and instant entertainment everywhere we look. Comfort has become an idol in our society. But God’s not in the comfort business. At least not temporal comfort as we think of it.

"Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly." -Proverbs 14:29 (ESV) I'm not sure if that verse hurts as much for anyone else as it did for me this week...